Holy Blog Award, Batman!

Yes, I’ve received my first Blogger award. Yes, I am super stoked. Yes, I want to thank all the little people that helped make this possible.

My awesome bloggy friend, The Sarcasm Goddess, nominated me for this award. If I knew where she lived, I would show up on her door step with a pound of bacon and Ryan Gosling in handcuffs. Why? Because she likes that kind of thing. Check out her blog. It is hilarious and random, which are my two favorite things. She reminds me of my favorite 80’s cartoon character, Jem- she’s truly outrageous.

So, this award comes with a couple of stipulations. I am usually not down with stipulations, since I am so anti-government and all “damn the man”,  but I am so honored to receive this award that I am gladly going to follow the rules this time. 

*Share 7 things about yourself
*Pass the award along to other bloggers you love reading
*Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know they have won the award

So, just 7 things about me. Well, if you really want some random facts about me, check out the “About Me” tab on the right side of my blog.

But, here goes…

1. I am 30 years old, but I continue to wipe boogers on the back of my headboard. Why? Because 8 steps to the bathroom for toilet paper is just too many when you are half asleep and just have to pick that huge bastard out of your nostril. And who wants to keep a box of tissue on their nightstand all of the time? That just looks tacky. So, yes, boogers don the back of my headboard. And I repeat, I am 30.

2. When my 7th grade science teacher asked me what I would do if I found a dinosaur egg, I replied, “Scramble it.” Everyone laughed, but I was serious.

3. My middle name is Brown. Yes, it is. It is a family name. It also happens to be one of my favorite colors. Whilst clothes shopping one day, some random lady noticed that I had an array of brown colored garments in my arms. I really do like brown. I happen to look good in brown, especially in the summer, when my skin is tanned and brown, also. Anyway, the lady says to me, “Wow, somebody likes brown.” I replied, “Brown is my middle name.” She giggled and walked away. Joke is on her, cause Brown is my middle name.

4. I saw an albino panther in the field behind our house. It looked at me and screamed like a woman. I live in Tennessee. This is true.

5. I love the smell of freshly cut summer grass. If I had a weird obsession and could be on that TLC show about weird obsessions, it would somehow involve freshly cut summer grass. I don’t know if I would be eating it, snorting it, smoking it, or making weird things out of it, but freshly cut summer grass would somehow be involved.

6. I couldn’t name a single song on the Billboard 100 right now. However, I could name every song on the Billboard 1000 for the years 1969-1999. Music today sucks.

7. I haven’t used a loofah sponge since the early 2000s. You don’t want to know why. Trust me.

Ta-da! Seven random things in less than 5 minutes. For more randomness, check out the “About Me” section on the right side of my blog. Wait, I already plugged that one up there, didn’t I?

So, here are seven blogs that I enjoy reading. I chose seven because it is my favorite number. You will rise 3, maybe 4, notches on the awesomeness meter if you check them out. I promise.

And the nominees are…

Angry Pilot Wife
Attracted to Shiny Things
i like beer and babies
Underachiever’s Guide to Being a Domestic Goddess
Because nobody likes Mondays
The Somewhat Sane Mom
Hyperbole and a Half

Wife, Mama, Author, Humorist, Podcaster, Southerner, Jesus Follower, CEO of Twelve Tails Farm.


  1. Jen says:

    So glad you found me, cause it means I found you in return. I have subscribed and added you to my list of blogs I follow!

  2. Hellllooo beautiful lady! Thank you for the award nomination – I am beyond honored!!! I have GOT to pay this forward but I am behind on housework chores and so many things. I promise I will sit down and get busy on it this week! 🙂 Cheers!

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